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Quality, environment and sustainability
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ISO certified 9001
One of Rivadeneyra main concerns is QUALITY management and customer satisfaction.
To achieve this goal, our actions are intented to manufacture our products according to regulatory requirements. For this reason, we implemented the system ISO quality 9001 based on processes whose main goal is to achieve the highest efficiency in all areas of the business.


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ISO certified 14001
Rivadeneyra is a company committed to help ease the environmental problems arising in the printing sector. As such, we closely control the environmental impact of our production facility and work hard to reduce issues step by step. We are proud to say that we were awarded Environmental Prize for Industries organized by the Community of Madrid.


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Certificate ISO 14001 Paper certification

PEFC and FSC ®
Rivadeneyra is one the few Spanish web printing companies that met the requirements and obtained a Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification. The PEFC and FSC certifications ensure that the wood products or wood-based products come from sustainability managed forests. It also assures that the wood contained in the product line originate from certified forests. This way, Rivadeneyra offers finished products that promote sustainable bioforestal management.

Ecovadis certificate
Rivadeneyra is among the select group of corporations with an Ecovadis certification, This certificate assesses corporate social responsibility.

Rivadeneyra has obtained a Carbon Footprint Certification. It is a climate-friendly company committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


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Política de Calidad y Medio Ambiente

Rivadeneyra, occupies a prominent place in the graphic arts sector, being considered as a leading company. This leadership is largely due to the consideration of QUALITY and SATISFACTION of our Customers as one of our main concerns, as well as respect for the environment.


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Ayudas Oficiales a la inversión Medioambiental

Se han llevado a cabo dos actuaciones de ahorro y eficiencia energética: 

  • La primera de ellas, ha consistido en la  sustitución de los equipos de aire comprimido antiguos por nuevos equipos, de alta EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA, con variadores de frecuencia y recuperación de calor para cubrir la demanda de ACS y parcialmente de calefacción; 
  • La segunda de ellas, es la sustitución del conjunto de enfriadoras por una nueva enfriadora con tecnología de levitación magnética de RENDIMIENTO ENERGÉTICO muy elevado, ESEER 9,07.

Estas actuaciones han contado con un apoyo económico de 48.138,94 € a través del programa de ayudas de ahorro y eficiencia energética en PYME y gran empresa del sector industrial, cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), coordinadas por el IDAE y gestionadas por la Comunidad de Madrid, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. 

Gracias a estas actuaciones, se ha conseguido un AHORRO ENERGÉTICO de 86,79 tep/año y 291,83 tCO2/año evitadas. 

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In Rivadeneyra, we work with very different customers but we have a method that always Works: we put ourselves in your place in order to look for the best solutions as possible that best suit your needs, and that guarantee your total satisfaction.

To archive this, we are convinced that the first thing is to listen to the customer and to take into account all their requirements. That the only way to guide them and to advise them to make the best decisions.